Balanced acoustics

In the two auditoriums Derako has ensured balanced acoustics by using a combination of two types of the solid wood linear systems. The solid wood ceilings in the central part were designed in such a manner that they contribute to a good transfer of the speaker sound, right to the back of the hall. Simultaneously the sides of the ceilings were given an adjusted structure so that they help in absorbing the hum from the hall. In this way a double function was realised as far as the acoustics are concerned.


Curved wooden ceilings and correct wall connection

In the Wibaut House specially curved wooden ceilings have been used in various places. Besides that the solid wooden ceilings and walls melt into each other on several floors. To get the correct shapes and connections Derako worked this out technically in advance and everything was delivered prefabricated. Because of the unique coding per carrier system and a well worked out installation plan the assembly was done quickly and unambiguously. The result: Meticulously fitting ceilings and walls with an organic and special appearance.


Attention to planning and logistics

Derako pays a lot of attention to the planning and the logistics of all the projects they are involved with.. For this project, with a building site in the centre / inner ring of Amsterdam, the delivery timing and the packaging were looked at very carefully. Therefore a building ticket system was worked with, whereby deliveries were made to the building site in very compact crates and at exactly the agreed times.