With their design Ook architects have given Alliantie's office building a real transformation. With the intention to create more transparency and openness, the entire building was stripped, given a new lay-out and was freshly furnished. The interior gives the impression of having been opened up to its surroundings. The entrance hall was brought into the building and from the reception in the central hall way the entire building can be overlooked. The concept of the original central work floor has been turned around. General work spaces have been spread out in areas alongside the façade and the supporting positions have been accommodated in the heart of the building. The carefully organised interior ensures better contact and connectivity, which has resulted in better cooperation.


Warm, fresh interior with optimal acoustics

A large variety of work spaces, such as silence cabins and spaces for consultation, were fitted with solid wood Derako grill wall systems. The combination of wooden grill slats and building elements that are painted in primary colours ensure a fresh but also warm environment. When choosing the wood, FSC® certified wood was specifically chosen. Interiors builders Haklander ensured an entire turnkey release, and behind the grill systems Firet cloth was fitted for optimal acoustics.


More information - solid wood grill wall system

More information about the solid wood grill wall system can be found with this link. All Derako systems are C2C certified and there are a number of possibilities for the appearance of your ceiling, wall or façade. More photo's of this project can be found under the menu-item 'References'. Please contact Derako; our colleagues are only too ready to discuss any special applications and the technical formulation of your projects.