Assessing the situation and collaboration
Derako looks back on recent years with a certain sense of pride, when sustainable enterprise and environmental product traits began playing an increasingly important role. In 2014, Derako began to extensively investigate and assess their situation with regard to obtaining the Cradle to Cradle certification. It was important to learn even more about the composition of the products, right down to the last detail.
In collaboration with all its suppliers, an analysis was created in which the components of each material was described. The analysis also specified which circular chains these materials belonged to. Using this information, the products were tested externally and the conclusion was reached that Derako was only using some “healthy” materials. Derako also switched to 100% green power, research was conducted into social issues and an analysis was created of their water consumption and its associated processing.
Combining enormous effort, the right collaboration and the trust of many different parties, Cradle to Cradle Silver was successfully obtained for all products. In doing so, Derako achieved its goals, which in turn became a new starting point to take the development of the Cradle to Cradle certification to an even higher level.
The Silver certificate was granted by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII), headquartered in the US, and awarded by Tebodin Netherlands.
What is Cradle to Cradle?
Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is a design philosophy whose basic principle is that every resource and material must be entirely reusable, without declining in value. This principle has been converted into a certification system, in which the certification level is determined based on scores. Within the Cradle to Cradle philosophy, there are five primary criteria: resources, recycling potential, energy consumption, water management and environmental conditions. The certification currently has five levels: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Derako certificates and more information
In its core activities, Derako frequently works with the resource, solid wood, which by nature is highly sustainable. The material has minimal impact on the environment, is fully biodegradable and available in virtually limitless quantities. As a resource, it is also nearly 100% CO2 neutral and easy recycle. This does not take away from the fact that Derako made many additional efforts to make the systems as a whole as sustainable as possible.
In addition to a Cradle to Cradle certification for the complete Derako systems, most of the wood species are also available with FSC® or PEFC certificates and Derako is in possession of the ISO14001 and ISO9001 certificates. If you would like to know more about how the systems can contribute to obtaining credits for BREEAM and LEED, feel free to contact a Derako consultant.